Shape and Style Your Smile with Hollywood Quality Veneers

It’s a Snap to Update Your Smile with Veneers

Quicker than other procedures for improving your smile, veneers can solve a wide range of cosmetic issues all at once. You may be able to avoid the need for braces, stain treatment, and other cosmetic adjustments just by covering certain teeth with veneers. Choose between materials to balance a realistic appearance with cost-effectiveness for a smile makeover in a hurry.

How Do Veneers Work for Cosmetic Dentistry?

Each individual veneer is a semi-translucent cover that is bonded to the front of the tooth. A nearly permanent bond is formed so that your normal chewing and biting forces won’t cause it to come loose. Putting in a few veneers on the most visible part of your smile can make a big difference in appearance. You don’t need to use veneers on every tooth just to get the smile you want.

The Biggest Benefits of Choosing Veneer Teeth Improvements

You have a number of options for cosmetic improvements to your style, but few can compare to dental veneers. Find out why this option from our team here at Princeton Dental Studio may be the best for getting a perfect smile.

Realistic Appearance

Don’t want anyone to be able to guess you had work done on your smile? Get a Hollywood smile that only a dentist will know about with veneers. Even up close, there’s no hint of the material covering your teeth. Semi-translucent material and the use of mixed colors provide a natural appearance that’s nonetheless more perfect than nature could provide.

Custom Crafted Precision

Each veneer is crafted by hand by an expert in a dental laboratory. This provides not only a highly realistic appearance but also ensures a tight fit for a strong bond to the underlying tooth material. You won’t have to worry about your veneers for years.

Stain Resistant Materials

Staining is the number one reason that teeth tend to discolor over time. Not only will the materials used for veneers not yellow naturally as your tooth enamel does, but some materials are also highly stain resistant. Porcelain veneers in particular are recommended for people who smoke or drink red wine.

Quick Installation with Expert Care

Unlike many other dental improvements to give you a brighter smile, veneers take only a few visits to the office to complete. Once the veneers have been crafted according to your requests, you can go from your old smile to your new one all at once for a sudden transformation.

Long-Lasting Improvements

Veneers last anywhere from 5 to 10 years, with composite veneers having a shorter lifespan than porcelain options. But no matter the type of laminate veneers you choose, you’ll enjoy years of low-maintenance beauty.

Who Are Veneers Right For?

You don’t need to be in show business to need a sparkling white smile. Improving your smile and therefore boosting your confidence is one of our team’s greatest passions. Veneers can solve a wide range of dental issues that are mostly cosmetic, such as:

  • Stubborn stains and discoloration that are tricky to address with whitening alone
  • Chips and cracks that just need a cover-up rather than stabilization
  • Gaps and open spaces between teeth
  • Teeth that are a little smaller than the rest or misshapen in comparison to the rest of your smile
  • Old or visible dental work you’d like to disguise with a fresh new face.

Discuss Your Options for Dental Veneers Here at the Dentist That Cares

Ready to start your journey to a whole new smile? Start planning your transformation with our help here at Princeton Dental Studio. We’ll all work together to make sure you feel confident in the changes made to your smile. Contact us today to set up your first appointment.

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